In today’s digital age, it is important to acknowledge that customer experience holds the key to customer retention. To keep your customers happy and satisfied, they must be continually provided with an optimal level of customer interaction upon which loyal customer relationships are built.
The current trend
Unemployment is on the rise, and even more so with people working in customer support and telesales. With CX delivery shifting to remote models, job searches and the digital interaction of CX agents are not as simple. As per research, 75 percent of candidates have actively abandoned a job application process mid-way because they found it either too cumbersome, too complicated, or just simply frustrating.
VOIZ to the rescue
The evolution of work in today’s day and age surprisingly involves continued monitoring of the candidate’s experience while navigating through their recruitment process. At VOIZ, we make hiring remote CX agents for your customer support and telesales easy. With over 100,000 agents, our talent pool is bubbling with brilliance, aptitude, and flair and also growing by the minute. It’s no surprise that full-time employees have transitioned to become task-based gig workers so companies can now post jobs and build their team.
The Process
VOIZ is a self-serve platform for both agents and companies. As a company you sign up, fill out a template form with their agent requirement information. This includes details such as the type of process- be it inbound or outbound, nature of the channel, the number of agents required, the number of hours required, etc. With a quick lay down of your requirements, your job requirement will be posted; connecting you to prospective agents that fit the bill.

The Benefits
With flexible time slots, agents get to choose and set their productive hours. Companies can reduce agents’ idle time during the non-peak loads. Additionally, you get the ease of scaling up and down on the number of agents. VOIZ also offers effective workforce management that helps you collaborate with your remote agents and optimize their overall productivity, a KPI dashboard that improves tracking, and real-time analytics that measures call success metrics. Besides speeding up the hiring process; hiring through VOIZ also visibly reduces attrition rates as the circumstances surrounding travelling to and fro the office daily can have quite a large influence on accepting or declining a job offer.
With quick and quality hires, you will not only shorten your hiring cycle but also reduce your cost and time to serve your customer.